“Regard for Others” is Post’s picnic advice heading. It’s not what you might expect because it’s about trash! “People who picnic along the highway leaving a clutter of greasy paper and swill (not a pretty name,” Post sputters,

“but it is not a pretty object! for other people to walk or drive past, and to make a breeding place for flies, and furnish nourishment for rats, choose a disgusting way to repay the land-owner for the liberty they took in his temporarily occupying his property.” Later, Post is more specific, and one of her syndicated newspaper columns carries the headline “Picnic Meals Can Be Enjoyed in Comfort.”

See Emily Post. Etiquette, in Society, in Business, in Politics, and at Home. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1922;  “Picnic Meals Can Be Enjoyed in Comfort.”